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Live -- in Pure Lewiston
Small Town Feel - Lewiston has a way about coming together and providing a warmth within the community through charity, beautification, family-crisis and community events. There is a momentum in the air and Lewiston is striving for economic growth but keeping the small town feel at the same time.
Bedroom community access to Gaylord, Alpena and Traverse City. Lewiston is just a short drive to the bigger surrounding communities.
Schools - The Johannesburg-Lewiston Schools is noted for quality education. The district offers small class sizes and is always expanding in technology and resources for their students.
Nature - Lewiston is an adventure in four seasons of fun. We are surrounded by lakes, trails, campgrounds and forest that offers public access. Albert Township is working hard in developing walking and bike paths.
Lakes - The lakes in the Lewiston area are amazing. We also have a public beach located at the end of Kneeland Street that offers a playground, volley ball
Parks - We have several parks in Lewiston that offer shelter for picnics, ball diamonds, playgrounds
Sports - From boating, kayaking, golf, pickleball, corn hole, snowmobiling and hunting -- Lewiston is a sportman's playground for your family. Additionally, many local businesses provide league sports such as bowling, darts, corn hole, and pool.
Tranquility - Lewiston can offer a quiet and relaxing environment for those who just want to get-away. We guarantee a peaceful and relaxing time in Lewiston.
History - Lewiston's history runs deep into the logging industry. Visit our local museum on Saturday's from 11 am - 3 pm on Kneeland Street -- north of County Road 612. Learn about the families that brought economy and community together that has now established what we know as Lewiston.
All websites listed below are live and can be accessed by clicking the link.
Bethlehem Luthren Church - www.bethlehemlewiston.360unite.com/home
Lewiston Congregational United Church of Christ - www.lewistonucc.com
First Baptist Church of Lewiston - www.fbclewiston.church/first-baptist-church-lewiston-mi.html
St. Francis Assisi Catholic Church -www.dioceseofgaylord.org/member-813/st.-francis-of-assisi-159.html
Call 911
Montmorency County Sheriff's Department - Non Emergency - 989-785-4238
Michigan State Police - Substation - Lewiston - Non Emergency - 989-786-5280
Albert Township - www.alberttownship.com
- Montmorency County - www.montmorencycountymichigan.us
- Oscoda County - www.oscodacountymi.com
- Otsego County - www.otsegocountymi.gov
- Crawford County - www.crawfordco.org
50+ Club - www.facebook.com/pages/Lewiston-50-Plus-Club/1566468306983552
Catholic Human Services - www.catholichumanservices.org
Community Mental Health - www.norcocmh.org
Community Sharing - www.facebook.com/Community-Sharing-of-Lewiston-400364350089682/
Department of Health / Human Services - www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339-73970_5461_66805-14730--,00.html
Health Department - Region 4 - www.dhd4.org/home.html
Lewiston Family Ministry Food Pantry - www.facebook.com/pages/Family-Ministry-Center/109459545757335
Montmorency County Tribune - www.montmorencytribune.com
- Johannesburg-Lewiston Schools - www.jlas.org
Kirtland Community College - www.kirtland.edu
Alpena Community College - www.alpenacc.edu
Industrial Arts Trade School- iaiworks.com
Alpena Hollywood School of Beauty - www.alpenashollywoodschoolofbeauty.com
For gas, contact DTE at 800-477-4747 or www.dteenergy.com
For gas and electric, contact PIE&G at 800-423-6634 or www.pieg.com
Phone and internet services are available through various suppliers. Check the chamber membership listing for more information on I2K (I2000) and Lewiston Communications along with visiting www.frontier.com.
Cable Service is provided by Lewiston Communications. See the chamber membership listing.
See the Lewiston Chamber member directory for Garbage collection.
Transfer site for debris - www.alberttownship.com/Albert%20Township%20Transfer%20Site.htm